Yesterday I told you about the debut Gbox100 by Geekvape and told you that there is not one debut boxmod, but two at once. I was very dissatisfied with the first one, to put it mildly, but with the second boxmod the situation has improved a bit. Well, meet Gbox150. GBOX150 by GeekVapeAnd this guy, already at least looks unique, apparently all the designers worked on it, but somehow they did not try very well, that’s why it is very difficult to call it beautiful. Not many people will like it.
First, the top location of the display “mdash; it is bad, due to the fact that it will accumulate condensation or look worse through the slots will get moisture into the board and it all ends very bad for you. Secondly, it looks like a brick with rounded edges. canadian vape shop calgary Thirdly, when overflowing, the liquid will get under the adjustment buttons, which are also located on top, which will not lead to anything good. The only thing I am satisfied with is the location of the Fire button. And I bring you these facts because I already had X-cube2 and had a lot of trouble with it, but in general it is more than tolerable.
All you need to do is make sure that the air duct holes are perpendicular to the sides and don’t let your drip pots overflow/leak tanks. So it’s more like even the pickiness of a seasoned vaper. But the location of microusb connector is already critical, 1-2 times spilled liquid will get there (and it will definitely get there, I assure you) and it may stop working. The manufacturer wrote on his website that the device is compact, but the size of 95x59x36mm I can not call it that, rather it is medium-sized. GBOX150 by GeekVapeThe board in the Gbox150, as well as in the Gbox100 of its own development, so it’s too early to vouch for its quality work. Thus, I can only tell you its technical specifications. The maximum power of the box mod will be 150W with a minimum resistance of 0.1 ohm and 0.05 ohm in thermocontrol mode. TC temperature is 200-600F or 100-315.5C.
The boxmod works in the following modes: VW/TC (Ni/SS/Ti)/TCR. The only difference between Gbox150 and Gbox100 is the maximum power. GBOX150 by GeekVapeBut the fact that the power source is two 26650 batteries, Geekvape surprised me. What does it give you? Autonomy, maybe. Two 26650 batteries are better than three 18650 batteries, except for the chocolate bars. They are installed in the same way as in Gbox100 – in series, under the hinged lid with a latch. There are holes for exhausting gases. It is possible to charge batteries via microusb, but nothing is said about firmware update. I would like to say separately about the connector part. It would seem that the width of 36 mm will allow you to install atomizers of impressive size, but I will disappoint you. The display will simply get in the way, unless you are afraid of scratching it.
I won’t be able to give you an exact figure, but with 100% probability Griffin 25 will fit there perfectly, and maybe there will be some space left. GBOX150 by GeekVapeThis is what I dare to call the first coma. Compared to Gbox100 it is a masterpiece. It is far from ideal and requires improvement, for example, I would like to move the display and adjustment buttons to the side and microusb to the bottom or at least to the bottom. The specifications are also not perfect, but admit it, how many people do you know who use more than 150W on a regular basis? Personally, I once long ago on the RX200 steadily steamed at 80 watts occasionally increasing power to 120-130. TOTAL, the device is very good and deserves attention, unlike Gbox100, about which you expressed all your dissatisfaction 🙂